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50-70 days. Also known as Tetragonia, this heat-loving New Zealand native was discovered by Captain Cook in the 1770s. He developed its culinary uses to help ward off scurvy. Not really a Spinach at all, it tastes like Spinach and can be cooked in much the same way. This is key since it can be used as a substitute for Spinach during the high heat of summer when the real Spinach tends to overheat and bolt. A bit finicky to get started but easy to grow once it germinates, its thick, bright green, 4" triangular leaves thrive in hot weather without becoming bitter. Presoak its irregularly shaped seeds in room temperature water overnight before direct-sowing it in the garden after the threat of frost has passed. (OP.) Average seed life: 1 year.
Spinach prefers the cool, sunny weather of late spring and early fall. Direct-sow Spinach in the spring once the threat of frost has passed, and in late summer for fall harvest. Spinach adores rich soil: amend the Spinach bed well with compost and/or manure, dolomite lime and complete organic fertilizer. Keep the bed evenly moist and weeded. Early thinnings are wonderful for spring salads. For the kitchen gardener, it is practical to harvest by using the outer leaves from each plant or by cutting the whole plant, leaving 1" for possible regrowth. Or, broadcast seed and grow as a cut-and-come-again crop of tender leaves. If you simply must have Spinach during summer's dog days, plant the seed deeper, provide partial shade and water copiously. Convert everyone you know into Spinach-lovers with Carole Peck's Baked Penne Pasta with Lobster and Spinach and The Culinary Institute of America at Greystone's Spinach and Caramelized Onion Soufflé.
Spinach Sowing Instructions
Planting Depth:1/2” Row Spacing:12”-18” Seed Spacing:1/2” Days to Germination:10-14 days Germination Temperature:45°-85°F
Vitamin-rich Spinach likes it cool, so you may
direct-sow in the spring as soon as you can work
the soil. You may also sow in the late summer or
early fall for fall and early winter harvest. Spinach
thrives in rich soil, so amend beds with organic
fertilizer, compost and/or well-rotted manure as
needed. Keep soil evenly moist. When seedlings
are 2" tall, thin to 4" to 5" apart. (Thinnings are
great tossed into salads.)
If you plant Spinach in warm weather, sow seeds
deeper and in partial shade with frequent watering
to help it avoid bolting. In cool climates, direct-sow
Spinach seed every 2 to 3 weeks for constant
harvest. To harvest, either use a few outer leaves
from each plant or cut the plant off at the base,
after which the plants will likely regrow a second
crop of leaves. Make sure to wash thoroughly in
cool water before use. Pat dry.
Cool Weather Spinach
Summer gardeners miss out on the three seasons in which this tasty, nutritious green truly thrives. For fall Spinach, wait until cool weather is just starting to settle in, but there are still enough frost-free days to bring the crop to maturity. For winter Spinach, just protect it with a cold frame or--if your climate is mild--a layer of straw. The outer leaves may look beat-up in the dead of winter, but fresh new growth will continually appear at the center. For spring Spinach, you can keep on harvesting these wintered-over plants, or start new ones from seed as soon as the soil can be worked. Another trick is to sow a late fall crop that will germinate just before the ground freezes up, then overwinter the young seedlings. (In cold climates, protect them with a cold frame.) They’ll start to grow as soon as spring arrives!
Hail to the Hardy Greens
Most garden greens can hardly wait for cool weather to come. They perk up and sweeten up as the mugginess of August fades away. Crops such as Spinach, Arugula, Claytonia and Mâche, if protected by a cold frame or simple unheated greenhouse, survive the winter in cold climates, to be cut and re-cut for a continuous harvest. Sow them in September in the north, October in warmer parts of the country. They do best hunkering down, close to the earth. Lettuce and Endive over-winter best when cut at baby leaf size rather than full-sized heads.
Kale, Collards and Brussels Sprouts fare better if grown to full size and left outdoors to soldier on as long as they can, since they do not re-grow if cut back in winter. We can often harvest them for our Christmas table, even in snowy Maine.
Spinach prefers the cool, sunny weather of late spring and early fall. Direct-sow Spinach in the spring once the threat of frost has passed, and in late summer for fall harvest. Spinach adores rich soil: amend the Spinach bed well with compost and/or manure, dolomite lime and complete organic fertilizer. Keep the bed evenly moist and weeded. Early thinnings are wonderful for spring salads. For the kitchen gardener, it is practical to harvest by using the outer leaves from each plant or by cutting the whole plant, leaving 1" for possible regrowth. Or, broadcast seed and grow as a cut-and-come-again crop of tender leaves. If you simply must have Spinach during summer's dog days, plant the seed deeper, provide partial shade and water copiously. Convert everyone you know into Spinach-lovers with Carole Peck's Baked Penne Pasta with Lobster and Spinach and The Culinary Institute of America at Greystone's Spinach and Caramelized Onion Soufflé.
Average seed life: 2 years.
Spinach Sowing Instructions
Planting Depth:1/2” Row Spacing:12”-18” Seed Spacing:1/2” Days to Germination:10-14 days Germination Temperature:45°-85°F
Vitamin-rich Spinach likes it cool, so you may
direct-sow in the spring as soon as you can work
the soil. You may also sow in the late summer or
early fall for fall and early winter harvest. Spinach
thrives in rich soil, so amend beds with organic
fertilizer, compost and/or well-rotted manure as
needed. Keep soil evenly moist. When seedlings
are 2" tall, thin to 4" to 5" apart. (Thinnings are
great tossed into salads.)
If you plant Spinach in warm weather, sow seeds
deeper and in partial shade with frequent watering
to help it avoid bolting. In cool climates, direct-sow
Spinach seed every 2 to 3 weeks for constant
harvest. To harvest, either use a few outer leaves
from each plant or cut the plant off at the base,
after which the plants will likely regrow a second
crop of leaves. Make sure to wash thoroughly in
cool water before use. Pat dry.
Cool Weather Spinach
Summer gardeners miss out on the three seasons in which this tasty, nutritious green truly thrives. For fall Spinach, wait until cool weather is just starting to settle in, but there are still enough frost-free days to bring the crop to maturity. For winter Spinach, just protect it with a cold frame or--if your climate is mild--a layer of straw. The outer leaves may look beat-up in the dead of winter, but fresh new growth will continually appear at the center. For spring Spinach, you can keep on harvesting these wintered-over plants, or start new ones from seed as soon as the soil can be worked. Another trick is to sow a late fall crop that will germinate just before the ground freezes up, then overwinter the young seedlings. (In cold climates, protect them with a cold frame.) They’ll start to grow as soon as spring arrives!
Hail to the Hardy Greens
Most garden greens can hardly wait for cool weather to come. They perk up and sweeten up as the mugginess of August fades away. Crops such as Spinach, Arugula, Claytonia and Mâche, if protected by a cold frame or simple unheated greenhouse, survive the winter in cold climates, to be cut and re-cut for a continuous harvest. Sow them in September in the north, October in warmer parts of the country. They do best hunkering down, close to the earth. Lettuce and Endive over-winter best when cut at baby leaf size rather than full-sized heads.
Kale, Collards and Brussels Sprouts fare better if grown to full size and left outdoors to soldier on as long as they can, since they do not re-grow if cut back in winter. We can often harvest them for our Christmas table, even in snowy Maine.
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