Dawn Giant Leek

98 days. Dawn Giant is a HUGE leek! Incredibly easy to grow with a sweet, mild flavor, it has shanks up to 15" tall and 2" wide that you can harvest in just about three months. No need to start indoors, just direct-sow every two weeks starting in early spring for harvest in mid-summer to fall. (OP.)

One packet of about 100 seeds

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  • Information
  • These graceful members of the Amaryllidaceae family are easily grown in kitchen gardens, much to the dismay of local grocers who normally command a king's ransom for them. Also known as Allium porrum, Leeks may be grown in partly sunny spots. For home gardeners, we recommend raising them as transplants, since seedlings are delicate at first. You may, however, direct-sow when soil reaches over 45°F in the spring, as soon as the ground can be worked. To avoid breaking their tender stalks, use a spade to loosen the soil around the Leeks' roots before harvesting. Deer resistant.

    Average seed life: 1 year.
  • Gardening Tips
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These graceful members of the Amaryllidaceae family are easily grown in kitchen gardens, much to the dismay of local grocers who normally command a king's ransom for them. Also known as Allium porrum, Leeks may be grown in partly sunny spots. For home gardeners, we recommend raising them as transplants, since seedlings are delicate at first. You may, however, direct-sow when soil reaches over 45°F in the spring, as soon as the ground can be worked. To avoid breaking their tender stalks, use a spade to loosen the soil around the Leeks' roots before harvesting. Deer resistant.

Average seed life: 1 year.
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