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Napolitano Mammoth-Leafed Basil
Napolitano has absolutely huge, light green, crinkled, savoyed leaves. Richly flavored, these mammoth leaves are perfect for serious pesto makers: picking these huge leaves makes annual pesto production a snap! Here's another idea: Layer the giant leaves on top of pounded boneless chicken breasts; cover them with soft herbed goat cheese and sliced, roasted red Bell Peppers; and roll them up like little jelly rolls. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and grated Parmesan and bake at 350°F for about 35 minutes (seam side down) with an inch of chicken broth in the bottom of the baking dish. Serve with marinara sauce and a side of pasta. (OP.)
One packet of about 300 seeds
One packet of about 300 seeds
- Buy 10 for $4.35 each and save 10%
- Buy 50 for $3.65 each and save 25%
- Information
- Gardening Tips
Ocimum basilicum. Gardeners are eager to enjoy Basil's intensely aromatic leaves, so they generally seed too early, with poor results. This heavenly herb originated in Africa and can't handle life outdoors until evenings are warm. To prevent damping off, use good-quality starter mix, provide ventilation and water lightly until established. Direct-sow when soil and weather are reliably warm after all threat of frost has passed. Basil prefers rich soil; keep plants producing lushly by frequent trimming and fertilizing. Deer resistant. Annual. (OP.)
Average seed life: 3 years.
Average seed life: 3 years.
Ocimum basilicum. Gardeners are eager to enjoy Basil's intensely aromatic leaves, so they generally seed too early, with poor results. This heavenly herb originated in Africa and can't handle life outdoors until evenings are warm. To prevent damping off, use good-quality starter mix, provide ventilation and water lightly until established. Direct-sow when soil and weather are reliably warm after all threat of frost has passed. Basil prefers rich soil; keep plants producing lushly by frequent trimming and fertilizing. Deer resistant. Annual. (OP.)
Average seed life: 3 years.
Average seed life: 3 years.