
The beloved Balloon Vine has delicate sprays of tiny white flowers that mature into pale green lanterns that gradually dry to the color of straw. Inside the lanterns are two to three black seeds, each with a prominent white heart.

One packet of about 25 seeds
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  • Buy 50 for $3.95 each and save 25%
  • Information
  • Cardiospermum halicacabum. Easy to grow, it may be direct-sown after all threat of frost has passed or raised as transplants 8 to 10 weeks earlier. It can readily self-sow (may get pesty) in zones 8 to 10. Annual. Summer flowering. Height: 8' to 10' climbing vines.

    Average seed life: 1 year.
  • Gardening Tips
Cardiospermum halicacabum. Easy to grow, it may be direct-sown after all threat of frost has passed or raised as transplants 8 to 10 weeks earlier. It can readily self-sow (may get pesty) in zones 8 to 10. Annual. Summer flowering. Height: 8' to 10' climbing vines.

Average seed life: 1 year.
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