De Milan Rouge Turnip

35 days. Vigorous and quick-growing, this heirloom has been beloved in France for a long time - it's hard to improve on perfection. The little Turnips have rose-colored shoulders and pure white bottoms and are meant for picking small. At that point, the taste is mouth-watering and sweet with a hint of musk. Make multiple sowings of De Milan Rouge, every couple of weeks in the spring, then again in late summer for a fall harvest. Keep your eye on these pretty little roots and harvest small. In France, it is traditional to serve baby Turnips along with baby Peas and fresh Mint as an accompaniment to spring lamb. (OP.)

One packet of about 750 seeds
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  • Information
  • They may be the Plain Jane of the kitchen garden, but homegrown Turnips are wonderful when enjoyed small, 3" maximum. Sow in the spring as soon as the soil can be worked in an area which has not been freshly manured. Harvest by gently pulling out by the bottoms of the greens. Turnips are great in their raw state - munched whole, sliced or grated in salads, or steamed and dressed with butter. Turnip greens are delicious too!

    Average seed life: 4 years.
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They may be the Plain Jane of the kitchen garden, but homegrown Turnips are wonderful when enjoyed small, 3" maximum. Sow in the spring as soon as the soil can be worked in an area which has not been freshly manured. Harvest by gently pulling out by the bottoms of the greens. Turnips are great in their raw state - munched whole, sliced or grated in salads, or steamed and dressed with butter. Turnip greens are delicious too!

Average seed life: 4 years.
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