The Perennial Bouquet Garden

These colorful, floriferous perennials will come back year after year for bountiful bouquets with less work. Just think of the masterpieces you'll create with these yearly ingredients supplemented with the annuals you choose to grow each year!

This website special includes one packet of each of the following varieties (about 1,500 seeds) at about 16% off regular prices:

  • Anise Hyssop (about 500 seeds)
  • Maximilian Perennial Sunflower (about 240 seeds)
  • Cheyenne Spirit Coneflowers (about 15 seeds)
  • Cappuccino Black-Eyed Susan (about 50 seeds)
  • Crazy Daisy Shasta Daisy (about 600 seeds)
  • Summer Pastels Yarrow (about 100 seeds)
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