The Strawflower Mixture

If you like to create huge dried flower arrangements for fall display, you must grow loads and loads of Strawflowers. It is a terrific cut flower for long-lasting fresh bouquets, but it excels as a dried flower since it retains its vivid, glossy colors once dried. The trick to drying Strawflower is to pick the flower heads just before the blooms are fully open, and wire them before they are completely dried since the stems do not hold up. Our special hand-blended mixture includes vivid pink, red, sulfur-yellow, golden-yellow, lemon-yellow, orange, rose, salmon, light rose, silvery-white and pure white varieties.

One packet of about 1,500 seeds
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  • Buy 10 for $4.35 each and save 10%
  • Buy 50 for $3.65 each and save 25%
  • Information
  • Helichrysum bracteatum. If you like to create huge dried flower arrangements for fall display, you must grow loads and loads of Strawflowers. Strawflower is best started indoors 4 to 8 weeks before setting out. It is a terrific cut flower for long-lasting fresh bouquets, but it excels as a dried flower since it retains its vivid glossy colors once dried. The trick to drying Strawflower is to pick the flower heads just before the blooms are fully open, and wire them before they are completely dried since the stems do not hold up. Deer resistant. Annual. Summer flowering. Height: 24" to 30" .

    Average seed life: 1 to 2 years.
  • Gardening Tips
Helichrysum bracteatum. If you like to create huge dried flower arrangements for fall display, you must grow loads and loads of Strawflowers. Strawflower is best started indoors 4 to 8 weeks before setting out. It is a terrific cut flower for long-lasting fresh bouquets, but it excels as a dried flower since it retains its vivid glossy colors once dried. The trick to drying Strawflower is to pick the flower heads just before the blooms are fully open, and wire them before they are completely dried since the stems do not hold up. Deer resistant. Annual. Summer flowering. Height: 24" to 30" .

Average seed life: 1 to 2 years.
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