Polly Variegated Cat Grass
Hordeum vulgare. Cats adore Cat Grass! They love to munch on the blades, which help with digestion and provide vitamins, minerals and fiber. It might even lure your cats away from your other houseplants. While you could grow all-green Cat Grass, we've kicked it up a notch with this attractive bright-white-variegated version. Sow it for use as an Easter centerpiece, too! Nestle dyed eggs into its blades for charming display. Sow seeds thickly in sturdy, shallow pots indoors. They'll grow quickly into a uniform stand of blades that your kitty will keep well-pruned until the plant is spent. For a steady supply, start a new pot as soon as the first pot is ready. Annual. Height: 6" to 8". Average seed life: 3 years.
One packet of about 110 seeds
- Buy 10 for $4.90 each and save 10%
- Buy 50 for $4.10 each and save 25%
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