Direct-Sow Basics

Radicchio Sowing Instructions
Planting Depth
Row Spacing:12”-18”
Plant Spacing:10”-12”
Days to Germination:5-12 days
Germination Temperature:45°-60°F

Radicchio is easily grown in cool weather. Sow directly in the garden as soon as the soil can be worked in the spring. But Radicchio can also be started as transplants 5 to 8 weeks before setting out. Sow thinly using sterilized seed starter mix, cover lightly and water. Provide light, moderate warmth and good ventilation. Radicchio can be grown in the “cut and come again” method, broadcast seed and water lightly. When the leaves are 3" to 6" tall, harvest with scissors. A second crop may be sown in late summer to early fall. Grow Radicchio quickly with plenty of moisture for the most pleasing taste. They will bolt (go to seed) and taste a bit unpleasant in hot weather. Radicchio dislikes added nitrogen as it causes bolting. Amend the soil with moderate amounts of compost and a sprinkling of organic fertilizer.

Shade Tolerance

Deer Resistant Seed Varieties