Parsley Root Sowing Instructions
Planting Depth
Plant Spacing:4”-5”
Seed Spacing:1”
Days to Germination:14-25 days
Germination Temperature:45°-75°F

Also known as Dutch, Hamburg or Turnip- Rooted Parsley, Parsley Root should be direct-sown in fine, loose, deeply dug soil in full sunlight as soon as the ground can be worked in the spring (or later, through early summer for late fall harvest). To promote germination, soak the seed for 24 hours in tepid water prior to sowing. Sow thickly but evenly. Cover well, tamp down firmly and keep the seedbed evenly moist until the seed germinates. Mark rows well to distinguish the seedlings from spring weeds. Once the seedlings are 2" tall, thin to 4" apart. If necessary, feed with liquid organic fertilizer. Before the ground freezes, harvest by carefully loosening the soil with a fork and gently pulling out the smooth, pale, carrot-size roots while holding the base of the greens. It is traditionally used in soups, stews and hearty cassoulets.