Alyssum Sowing Instructions
Planting Depth
Seed Spacing:1”-2”
Plant Spacing:4”-5”
Days to Germination:8-15 days
Germination Temperature:60°-70°F

Lobularia maritima, Sweet Alyssum. This fragrant, hardy annual has delicate, dense clusters of tiny flowers growing in mounds. Alyssum may be started indoors 5 weeks before transplanting out, but it is easiest to direct sow 3 to 4 weeks prior to the last frost date. Sow seeds on top of the soil, leaving the seeds uncovered but pressed firmly onto the soil surface, as light is needed for germination. Provide even moisture and strong light during germination. Thin or carefully transplant the seedlings 4" to 5" apart once they are large enough to handle. Perfect for borders, rockgardens, containers and hanging baskets, this heirloom thrives in full to partial sunlight and in most types of soil. It prefers to be kept moist, but will tolerate drought and heat. It will likely bloom until the first hard frost. To encourage flower production, give them a haircut once the blooms are spent. Height: 3" to 8".

Shade Tolerance