For years, we tried to make grilled Tomatoes as succulent as those we had one summer in a hill town in Provence. This method probably uses a different technique, but it captures the hedonistic pleasure of that day: cut each Tomato in half, then chop up some of the interior flesh with a tip of a spoon, leaving the flesh in place. Grind up some slightly stale bread in a food processor, along with a fat clove of Garlic and a handful of Parsley leaves. While the machine is whirring, pour olive oil through the top in a steady stream until the mixture is nice and moist. Press a generous amount onto the surface of each Tomato half, then bake in a 325ºF oven for about 30 minutes or until the Tomatoes have started to cook but have not yet lost their shape. Top broil quickly to crisp them at the end if necessary.